Facing Both Ways Many of the Ojibwe men and women whom Du Vernet met were poised between Christian and Ojibwe spirituality. In his diary Du Vernet documented what he perceived to be their struggle to "face both ways," that is, to remain faithful to both Christian and Ojibwe traditions. Du …
Cedar Tips
Cedar Tips Women are medicine pickers in Ojibwe culture, and they are taught never to pick the cedar hearts. Therefore, Du Vernet makes an accurate observation when he writes about cedar “tips.” Cedar is used to ward away bad spirits and as a refreshing, deodorizing agent, due to its fragrant scent. …
Long Sault
Long Sault Much of Du Vernet's diary describes his visit to the Long Sault reserve. While the reserve itself was relatively new, the Long Sault as a historical site stretches back millennia. Located along the Rainy River, the area is considered a sacred site and today is called once more by its …