Manitou Rapids Manitou Rapids designated two adjacent Ojibwe reserves located on the north bank of the Rainy River, opposite of the rapids from which the reserves took their name and covering an area of 5,736 acres. Around 120 people resided at Manitou Rapids during the 1890s. Treaty 3 or the …
Emo From the Little Forks Reserve, Du Vernet canoed west to Emo, a town along the northern side of the Rainy River. Emo was settled in the early 1880s under the Rainy River Free Grants and Homesteads Act. Emo's short name was devised by the Irish pioneer Alex Luttrel, who, noting the lack of …
An Indian Woman
An Indian Woman We do not know the name of the “Indian Woman” who slammed the door upon seeing Du Vernet at the Bagshaw’s breakfast table. We do know, however, that she repeatedly pulled up the stakes that Bagshaw tried to drive into the land at Little Forks in order to build a Church. She is …