St. Peter's St. Peter's was a community of Cree and Saulteaux peoples in the Red River Valley, in what is today southern Manitoba. A band of Swampy Crees, led by Chief Peguis, and Saulteaux peoples established the community as an agricultural settlement in the early nineteenth century. The …
Tom Tom
Tom tom Drums are used in many cultures throughout the world in cultural, spiritual, or religious ceremonies. Du Vernet first mentions drums – tom-tom – on July 17th. That night he held an evening church service for the community, but few people attended. Later, he heard the the sound of …
Ceremony Ceremony, for the Ojibwe, is a word used to describe a set of practices by which people open a direct channel to the Creator. Anglican Christians access their God through their own ceremonies, which they call ritual or liturgy. Du Vernet recounted many examples of both ceremony and rituals. …