There'll Be No Parting There'll Be No Parting I love to think of the heavenly land,Where white-robed angels are;Where many a friend is gathered safeFrom fear and toil and care. Chorus:There’ll be no parting,There’ll be no parting,There’ll be no parting,There’ll be no parting there. I …
Kitty The story of Kitty is one of the most moving tales in the diary. Reading carefully, we see that she turned to the medicine tent and to Christian hymns when facing death, and that she was cared for by many people besides Mary Johnston: her husband, her father, who sits with her all through …
John Cochrane
John Cochrane When Du Vernet met John Cochrane, he was a regularly attendee at Jeremiah Johnston’s church services, as well as a prominent leader and a member of the Midewiwin society. From Du Vernet’s account we know that had three children all of whom were baptized, and we can surmise that the …